Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Possible Purpose

I have had this blog for quite a long time but I have never been able to determine a purpose. I post almost everything to my personal blog GW Images.

On February 12th, I held a class in reading photographs at the Northwest Houston Photo Club. This was not an official meeting but it was an additional meeting. I knew that most of the club would not be interested. The intent of this first meeting was to determine whether or not I would start a meet up to pursue learning to read photographs. It is difficult to say how successful this first meeting was. There was a lot put on the line and hopefully a few will respond.

Anyway, should it come to be I will use this blog to correspond with the members of the group, to share things that I feel are important about photography. I was pretty clear at the meeting where I will be coming from in the discussions. I am very opinionated, very dogmatic. I am also flexible and I understand that not everyone is going to agree with me but I do want to give the members an opportunity to see that there is more to photography than complying with some conventional wisdoms and rules of technique. Everyone deserves to at least be introduced to something much more personal in photography. That is all that I hope to do.

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